Giving Tuesday 2023
There’s #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday...and then there’s #GivingTuesday, an international day of giving! Tuesday, November 28, 2023. We need YOUR help! THANK YOU for your consideration!
US Women's L2x
In order to get race-ready, we traveled to Princeton, NJ to train with the Women's National Team training center athletes. to help us cover the expenses for these training trips, travel, housing, equipment transportation, and coach related costs.
General Fund
Your support of our general fund allows Sarasota Crew to continue to offer our excellent rowing programs to more than 400 youth athletes, purchase additional equipment, supplement our coaching staff and expand our programs and services.
Scholarship Fund
Sarasota Crew has a goal to make rowing accessible to all Sarasota youth regardless of their financial situation. Rowing is the vehicle Sarasota Crew uses to develop youth into student-athletes who through their personal development acquire the self-esteem, athleticism, discipline and confidence to be more successful in school and in life. We know that all youth will benefit from this positive developmental experience.
We offer scholarships, based on demonstrable need via an application process, which covers all or a portion of the tuition. In 2016, scholarships accounted for approximately 15% of our High School Tuition income. Our goal is to increase scholarship funding and to collaborate with more local organizations to make rowing accessible to all interested youth.
In addition, we do our best to never turn away an athlete who wants to attend a regatta. Supporting the scholarship fund will allow us to have every athlete on the water at the races!
$7,885 = Allows a rower to participate in the entire season and attend all the regattas
$2,650 = Allows a varsity rower to participate in the entire season
$2,000 = Allows a middle school rower to participate in the entire season
$1,735 = Allows a rower to participate in 14 regattas
$275 = Allows an elementary school rower to participate in a 6-week session
How are you going to change the life of child today?
Equipment Fund
By supporting the Equipment Fund you can enhance the fleet and equipment that has propelled our members to national championships several times.
$40,000 = 1 Eight person Boat
$5,500 = 1 Safety Launch
$5,040 = 1 Set of 8 sweep oars
$2,760 = 4 Sets of sculling oars
$2,000 = Complete Cox Orb system
$1,500 = Squat rack for the gym
$1,000 = Cox Orb
$1,000 = Spin Bike
$950 = Erg