Sarasota Crew's Masters program, offering competitive and recreational rowing, is designed for rowers with prior rowing experience. Some of our current Masters are parents of our youth program members, driven by the interest in experiencing the fun, fitness and camaraderie that their children enjoy.


Being a "mini seasonal" member with Sarasota Crew means you are able to receive coaching multiple days per week during scheduled practice sessions from a committed Masters Coach, and having access to the best equipment in excellent condition. You also receive a weekly training program and each member is encouraged to set up progress/goal setting meetings. Everyone has the option to compete at regattas, any level of experience encouraged, or simply enjoy the sport recreationally.

Must be consecutive months and begins on the first of each month.

Duration: 3 Months
Price: $550.00


Being a "weekly" member with Sarasota Crew means you are able to receive coaching during scheduled practice sessions from a committed Masters Coach, and having access to the best equipment in excellent condition.

We welcome any level of experience into our positive Crew community, the weekly option will give you a glimpse of how we operate without a high level of commitment. If you are a very experienced rower visiting from out of town and would like to use our equipment outside of our group coached rows you will have to go through an orientation and pass the captains test before being permitted.

Duration: 1 Week
Price: $100.00


Being a seasonal member with Sarasota Crew means you are able to receive coaching multiple days per week during scheduled practice sessions from a committed Masters Coach, and having access to the best equipment in excellent condition. You also receive a weekly training program and each member is encouraged to set up progress/goal setting meetings. Everyone has the option to compete at regattas, any level of experience encouraged, or simply enjoy the sport recreationally.

Must be consecutive months and begins on the first of each month.

Duration: 6 Months
Price: $900.00


Being an annual member with Sarasota Crew means you are able to receive coaching multiple days per week during scheduled practice sessions from a committed Masters Coach, and having access to equipment in excellent condition. You also receive a weekly training program and each member is encouraged to set up progress/goal setting meetings. Everyone has the option to compete at regattas, any level of experience encouraged, or simply enjoy the sport recreationally.

Price: $1,200.00

Sarasota Crew

utilizes competitive rowing to promote strong character, high integrity, positive self-concept, contribution to community, and a healthful lifestyle for all youth and adults in the Sarasota county and its surrounding communities.


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